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Living with Money Course

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Living with Money Course

Welcome to the course!

This course consists of six modules plus three bonuses. Each module contains two pages:

  1. A two-hour video of the group work. Please consider yourself a part of the class and participate as if you were on the Zoom call either in writing or by speaking out.
  2. Written exercises doing The Work. This will allow you to explore more deeply.
  3. Optional partner work. Use the Partner Spreadsheet to find a partner who is also taking this course, so you can do The Work in spoken form together.

Each module must be completed before the next module will be revealed.

Welcome Video

Grace and Todd

Grace Bell and I have teamed up to offer you this course. You can read out bios below.

Grace Bell, MA ABS and Certified Facilitator of The Work

Grace Bell

I went to my first School for The Work of Byron Katie in 2005, and returned home to the surprising experience of separating from my then-husband and going through divorce. This kicked off extremely changed circumstances with money, including a need for income, the loss of my home, and accumulation of debt. Doing The Work on money became one of the most important factors in my life for discovering how to be of service to the world in a satisfying way, discovering for the first time how much I loved to work, and to become more powerfully aware of how to take care of myself, my children and others close to me–in generosity, instead of fear. The experiences with money showed me what is not necessary to live a happy life, but also how much fun it can be to passionately love and play with money. It keeps getting better and better. 

Todd Smith, MA and Certified Facilitator of The Work

Todd Smith

I grew up in a middle-class family where both parents were doctors. I never thought much about money. In fact, my parents never trained us with money. I thought my job was to study. So I just assumed money would be there if I studied. I never really thought about doing something just to make money. In fact, I always based my action on other reasons besides making money. This led to some struggles when I became an adult and had to pay the rent. Doing The Work on money has allowed me to balance my spiritual ideals with the practical side of life involving money. I have done lots of work on money and have allowed myself to be more materialistic. For me, this is a turnaround, an uncomfortable one at first but one that has given me a lot of freedom.